Health is the most important part of your life. Your happiness contributes to your good health and to be happy everything else must flow. Your personal life, your work life, your relationships... all have to work positively in order to have good overall health. If any of these factors are lacking, your health could be, and usually is, affected. Negative emotions and mental health can cause physical pain in a real way. Mind over matter is not just a saying. It is real. It is used in yoga, meditation and prayer. There are theories about it working as a "placebo effect." The "why" is not something to get caught up in, although, many people do. It comes down to what you believe. Here are some studies regarding mind-body healing: Reiki, The Permanente Journal, Newsmax - Health. Good relationships, happiness and knowing your self-worth all contribute to your health in a similar way. Spiritual health, mental health and emotional health are just as important as physical health. A good diet and exercise also help to connect overall health. Exercise serves as a release and a form of meditation. It is a great way to let go of anger, aggression and tension. It works your adrenaline and helps your serotonin levels (The Effects of Exercise on Serotonin Levels). Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which sends signals through the brain. Low serotonin levels contribute to depression. In addition, a good diet allows for the proper nutrients to enter and heal the body.
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