Relationships are different for everyone. Even the two individuals in the same relationship could have different perspectives about the very same relationship. It is up to each person to move forward with the person they are with or to move on. Most may think that the main goal in a relationship is to last and while that is partially true, the real main goal should be understanding. If you come to a mutual agreement about the expectations of the relationship, you will spend more time enjoying the relationship.
Love is multi-faceted. Love is why we are all here. It is expressed through actions, words and connection between two spirits. The way they look deep into your eyes could scream "I LOVE YOU!" Or maybe it's their kind gestures, or the way they listen to you. It could be the adventure's you go on together. It could be the silent presence of one another and still knowing each other's thoughts. Only the people in the relationship can articulate the wonderful love they share.
As we all know, there are many different types of abuse. There is physical abuse, verbal abuse and several sub-categories. I believe that the worst type of abuse is when the abusee or victim is unaware of the fact that they are being abused. When a person hits their significant other, it is clear and obvious that there is abuse taking place. However, when a person verbally abuses their significant other, it may not be so clear.
If you're reading this, you're either well aware of the abuse inflicted on you or you are questioning whether you are being abused or not. Ask yourself these few questions and answer each question honestly:
Think about your answers. If they consist of being unhappy, feeling bad about yourself, not knowing what you are worth, not feeling appreciated or loved, not being supported, not 50/50... then the relationship is just not for you. It may seem harsh to sum it up so easily, but it is the reality of it. Walk away sooner rather than later.
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